Archive for June, 2008

BarCamps are a beautiful thing…

Monday, June 30, 2008

If you’re reading this, you may be an aspiring web or tech entrepreneur. Then, the best way to gauge where things are going is one of the newer trends in the web community – BarCamps,

Luc and I have been to a couple of BarCamps and their variants – SocialDevCamp, PodCampDC, and beCamp. These all break down to about three principles.

1) They cost nearly nothing, because the organizers find sponsorships.

2) There are no set speakers or sessions.

3) There are many smart tech geeks that show up to each and every BarCamp.

That’s where you come in. You can connect with all your compatriots in at one conference on one day, and begin to network and gauge the thoughtfulness of your ideas. It’s a decent measuring stick of what’s out there and what everyone is focused on.

If you want to participate, find one here. If you can’t find one in your area, try organizing a BarCamp.

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